Online Tests for Introduction to Multimedia

Introduction to Multimedia

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  • 1. Each question below gives a multiple choice of answers. Choose the most appropriate one and enter in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Q - 1.1 . Hypermedia structure are navigated through

    Q - 1.2 . Which file format can be used when the picture is a photograph or has lots of colours?

    Q - 1.3 . A 16 bit image is capable of representing how many different colours?

    Q - 1.4 . _________ audio/video refers to on-demand requests for compressed audio/video files.

    Q - 1.5 . Which of the following is not a technology likely to previal as a delivery means for interactive multimedia files.

    Q - 1.6 . Which is multimedia element(s).

    Q - 1.7 . A broadcasting service transmitted via the Internet.

    Q - 1.8 . A printed page might be presented in which of these orientations

    Q - 1.9 . Which one of these is a video file

    Q - 1.10 . Typical font styles are

    2. Each statement below is either TRUE or FALSE. Choose the most appropriate one and ENTER in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Q - 2.1 . The time interval taken between two samples of the original analog data, during digitizing is known as sampling rate.

    Q - 2.2 . Sprites can become interactive by attaching 'behaviors' to them.

    Q - 2.3 . Broadcasting on the internet is usually referred to as web casting.

    Q - 2.4 . Animation is used to create movements on the screen.

    Q - 2.5 . YIQ and YUV models were developed for broadcast TV.

    Q - 2.6 . Paletters are mathematical tables that define the colour of a pixel displayed on a screen.

    Q - 2.7 . The linkages that exists between different forms of information in a hypermedia system, is called hyperlinks.

    Q - 2.8 . Cast members are raw media, whereas sprites are object that control where, when, and how cast members appear on the stage and in the movie.

    Q - 2.9 . Clip art is a library of commonly used text.

    Q - 2.10 . Sony's D1 format was the first digital video format introduced in 1987.

    3. Match words and phrases in column X with the closest related meaning/ word(s)/phrase(s) in column Y. Enter your selection in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein

    Question Select Answer
    3.1 MPEG-1
    3.2 JPEG
    3.3 Previously drawn images that artists can legally use in their own work
    3.4 Animation
    3.5 Digital betacam
    3.6 RGB
    3.7 JPEG
    3.8 Sampling rate
    3.9 Multimedia authoring
    3.10 photo-shop

    4. Each statement below has a blank space to fit one of the word(s) or phrase(s) in the list below. Enter your choice in the "OMR" answer sheet supplied with the question paper, following instructions therein.

    Question Select Answer
    4.1 _________ holds tools for creating and editing images.
    4.2 The time interval taken between two samples of the original analog data, during digitizing is called _________.
    4.3 Hand tool is useful after the _________ tool to work on a part of a picture.
    4.4 Where several languages share a set of symbols that have a historically related derivation, the shared symbols of each language are unified into collections of symbols called_________.
    4.5 For still pictures, the file format is _________ and for motion pictures the file format is MPEG.
    4.6 The number of computer zeros and ones(bits) required to represent a given signal in digital form is called _________.
    4.7 MIDI is device _________ .
    4.8 _________ is a interface for obtaining images captured by certain scanner and digital cameras.
    4.9 _________ is the standard movie/video format for windows.
    4.10 The text in which the user has the user has the facility to navigate in a non-linear fashion for the desired information is called __________.